Step 1: follow @TwiptStopMe on twitter.
TwitStopMe will follow you.
Step 2: start twitstopping.
Send DMs to TwitStopMe:
Example A:
D TwitStopMe Call Jerry in 15 minutes. You will receive a DM "Call Jerry" from TwitStopMe 15 minutes after sending the tweet.
Example B:
D TwitStopMe Call Jerry at 15:00 You will receive a DM "Call Jerry" from TwitStopMe at 15:00 this day. If you send the tweet after 15:00 TwitStopMe will send the reminder the next day, 15:00. Sure.
Example C:
D TwitStopMe Call Jerry at 2010-03-20 15:00 You will receive a DM "Call Jerry" from TwitStopMe at 15:00 on 20. march 2010.
New commands, Commander Keen.
#i / #private The tweet is marked as private, so we do not show it on the website.
Currently, every tweet will be public by default. To hide it, mark it as private. In a few days we will kickstart some new cool features. Follow TwitStopMe and stay tuned.